We’re currently working on a new version of our website and hope to have it ready for you “real soon now”.
Of course, we have to squeeze in working on it between shipping all of your incredibly important orders, and answering your equally important phone calls, so it always takes longer than we expect, but that’s a good thing, so keep them coming!
We also want to test everything inside and out, and standing on our heads to make sure everything works just right.
It might look a little different, but it will still have all the same great content, and even more great features to make it even easier to find what you’re looking for.
Need a good pfSense® software tutorial?
Have you seen the collection of “how to” articles at pfsensesetup.com?
Maximumdx’s website is a truly awesome collection of tips and tricks that’s definitely worth checking out!
So far there are articles on:
- pfSense® Backup and Restore
- Firmware Update with pfSense®
- Firewall Failover with CARP
- NTP Configuration in pfSense®
plus videos on adding firewall rules, NAT Port forwarding, using aliases and more.
If you’re trying to figure out how to do something in the pfSense® system, there’s a good chance you’ll find something to help you out at pfsensesetup.com.

8-port Gigabit server coming soon
8-port Gigabit rackmount server
We’re currently working on a kit that will allow you to install a LAN1841 in our rackmount net6501.
The net6501 already has four Gigabit ethernet ports and the LAN1841 adds a further four Gigabit ports.
Just imagine what you could do with an 8-port Gigabit rackmount server….
Business + sustainability = the future
Sustainability is becoming more and more important in business. Here’s some fascinating articles about the direction it’s headed:
- The EcoArk – The world’s first fully functional, public structure made of recycled plastic bottles
- 3 heretical questions about competition, efficiency and scale
- Sick of climate change? – Why Linda Marsa came to Australia to understand how climate change is hurting our health
- Habitat for Humanity’s newest house – It’s so energy-efficient you can heat it with just a hair dryer