Orange, yellow and green “bookshelf” cases now available
Our magical rainbow of cases is back!
With the addition of green, orange and yellow to our ALIX 2 “bookshelf” cases, you can now truly ‘surf’ the rainbow.
Check out our ALIX case page for more stunning photos of our collection.
The new colours are available for all of our ALIX 2-2 and ALIX 2-3 boxes.
In other news…
New products
The ALIX 3 Outdoor case is the new addition to our collection of cases available for sale this month.
Just choose your pigtails, antennas and mounting options and off you go!
We also have limited stock of our “Classic” ALIX 2-3 cases, in a wide variety of colours. So if you don’t need the groovy features of our new “bookshelf” cases, this might be an economical option for you.
Also new this month is a 5.8GHz reverse polarity SMA male antenna. It looks identical to our existing 2.4GHz reverse SMA antenna, so make sure you don’t mix them up!
Product changes
Now you can choose all the bits to make a 6-port or 8-port router from a rack mount net5501 with just one click.
Extra bits
OpenBSD 4.3 released
OpenBSD 4.3 released
OpenBSD v4.3 has been released and our CF card images have been updated. Visit our OS images page to download them or add one to your next order.
Small form factor projects book now in print
O’Reilly have decided to release their excellent book “Make projects: Small form factor computers – How to build a computer that fits inside anything” in hard copy.
Visit their website for more information or to order a copy.